IDC Staff Instructor
As an instructor, are you working towards the goal of becoming a Master Instructor or perhaps you're looking higher to Course Director Training? In order to become a Master Instructor you must have certified at least five Assistant Instructors. In order to teach the Assistant Instructor program you must be a Staff Instructor. There are also many other benefits to becoming a Staff Instructor, not least of which is reducing burnout by increasing the number of different courses that you are able to teach. On completion of the Staff Instructor course, you will be able to teach Assistant Instructor courses and most parts of an IDC.
There are two days of preparation before you audit an entire IDC to gain this certification. You'll find the two-day run up to the IDC itself both challenging and rewarding. There's a chance to brush up your own demonstration and teaching skills as well as time to learn about scoring and critiquing instructor candidates.
We expect the very best from our Staff Instructors and look for professional appearance and conduct throughout the course. With two Course Directors and tree Staff Instructors, we'll make sure you get the most out of your training. You'll see each and every aspect of the IDC along with all the required materials and paper work and be fully involved at all times ensuring that you're ready to assume the responsibilities of a PADI Staff instructor.
To enroll in a PADI IDC Staff Instructor course, you must:
Be in renewed teaching status as a PADI Instructor for the current year.
Hold a PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer rating.
Agree to conduct all levels of diver training consistent with the standards and philosophy outlined in the PADI Instructor Manual
Agree to use the PADI system and components in its entirety.
Read the instructor Development Standards and Procedures and Curriculum sections of the PADI Course Director Manual and answer the corresponding questions in the instructor Candidate workbook.
Prepare a knowledge development and confined water leaching presentation. Be sure to reference the "Developing Knowledge Development Presentation " and "Teaching in Confined Water " sections of the Instructor Candidate Workbook.
To be certified as a PADI IDC Staff Instructor, you must meet the following performance requirements:
Demonstrate acceptable performance on the Instructor Dive Theory exam by scoring 100 percent initially or scoring 80% or higher in each of the five sections and having each missed item reviewed until mastery is achieved. If the IDC Staff Instructor candidate scores less than 80% on a section, the course director will administer a retest after reviewing the exam.
Demonstrate acceptable performance on the Assistant Instructor Standards exam by scoring 80% or higher and having each missed item reviewed until mastery is achieved. If the IDC Staff Instructor candidate scores less than 80%, the Course Director will administer a retest after reviewing the exam.
Score eighty points or higher (average 4.0 per skill) by demonstrating the twenty skills listed on the PADI Skill Evaluation scoring no less than 3.0 on each skill demonstration.
Score a 4.0 or higher on a Knowledge Development teaching presentation.
Score a 4.0 or higher on a confined water teaching presentation.
Attend the four (Step Two) - Knowledge Development sessions.
Demonstrate consistency in teaching presentation evaluation scoring, by meeting the following parameters:
a) Score within plus or minus 0.4 of the control score of two out of the three Knowledge Development teaching presentation evaluations.
b) Score within plus or minus 0.4 of the control score on two out of the three Confined Water teaching presentation evaluations.
c) Score within plus or minus 0.5 of the control score on two out of the three Open Water teaching presentation evaluations.
Audit a complete IDC by observing all twenty required IDC curriculum presentation sections.
For class sessions and independent study there are several required PADI manuals and educational materials:
PADI Course Director Manual 1.3 (Oct04)
PADI Instructor Manual (newest version)
Instructor Candidate Workbook version 1.3 (Mar05)
Knowledge Development Presentation Evaluation Form ( several Copies)
Confined Water Presentation Evaluation slate
Open Water Presentation Evaluation slate
The Best of The Undersea Journal
The Law and the Diving Professional
Peak Performance Buoyancy Specialty Instructor Outline (free download
Aquatic Cue Cards - Confined Water And Open Water
Confined Water Lesson Preparation slate
Open Water Training Dive Lesson Planning slate
Log Book ( Adventure Log - Pro Modules recommended )
Pocket Mask, for the Rescue Skill